When it’s time to let go!
On this date last year, I was blessed, swoll, and very much pregnant. So you would think that I would’ve been ready to give birth to my daughter right? … Well that clearly was not the case. I was definitely trying to stay pregnant since we had a week until Noah was scheduled to arrive.
On this date last year, I went to my regularly scheduled doctor’s appointment and since my feet were swollen and my blood pressure was high, my doctor said I would be induced. I wasn’t ready! I broke down and cried. I told my doctor that I needed to get my hair cornrowed and I needed to take my acrylic nails off. I had things to do. As I was crying, my doctor and husband comforted me. I kept crying because I thought about the labor pain that women are always talking about. Sigh… I tried to negotiate with my doctor, but she wasn’t haven’t it since my blood pressure was still up the second time she took it. My doctor told me I was 39 weeks and the only way out was delivery. Lol. she was right. What was I holding on to?? I make myself laugh! It was time to move forward to meet our daughter, so my husband and I prayed and went to the maternity ward so I can be induced.
Happy Birthday Noah. Wow !!! A year already . You have such a unique distinct personality that warms my heart when I see at church 😘Oh and the video shared by daddy, ; the joy and excitement in your face when daddy picked his princess up from nursery. Those little legs of yours could not move fast enough. 🤣🤣You have been born to two beautiful God fearing parents that love you unconditionally. I know you feel that love and as you grow older, you will appreciate that you are raised in a loving home with two wonderful parents that loved you while you were in moms womb . You are a precious gift from God. Beautifully , wonderfully sculptured to God’s perfection and when you walk , you will walk confidently knowning that you are the chosen one by God to be who you are and where you are. Know you are loved precious and I look forward to see you grow and flourish to that beautiful masterpiece .Love you. Auntie Avery
Princess Noah 👸🏽
Praise God!!! Thank you sooooo much my sister!!!! It is so in Jesus name!! We love you!!!